Club Events 2004 : 2004-06-17 : COC - Prairie Mountain, and Porcupine Valley

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Prairie Mountain

That's how Claudia and I felt this afternoon as we reached the top of Prairie Mountain, which has an elevation gain of 715m over about four km!! Whooo-eee!!

Luckily for me, Claudia is about the same level of wimpiness as myself, so we took our time going up, huffing, puffing (and, don't forget, smelling the roses). Boy, when she decides to try something harder than an "easy" hike, she really goes for it. As promised, the views up top are spectacular, and I have decided to move the Perseid Meteor Shower event up there - it will be perfect.

Coming down, I missed that dreaded left turn at Albequerque and took us into uncharted territory. We were descending on a steep rocky section, paying more attention to where we were putting our feet than thinking about the trail veering off suddenly. Finally we realized that where we were, although very cool, wasn't "the trail". Whipped out the handy-dandy GPS, which promptly told us we'd missed our turn, so we bushwhacked (ok, mostly grass-whacked) our way back over to the trail. Gave the GPS a quick kiss and went on our way.

-- Rhonda

MPS File (for GPS)
Porcupine Valley
