Epic European Cycle : 2015-10-14 : Cappadocia

Type Name Description Service Provider Cost Kms To Date Total Notes Actions
Tour Green Tour Flintstones Travel Agency $110.00 Arranged by Yavuz
Included lunch and entrance to all points of interest
Tour Derinkuyu Underground City $0.00 Part of Green Tour
Tour Ihlara Valley $0.00 Part of Green Tour
Tour Selime Cathedral $0.00 Part of Green Tour
Type Name Service Provider Confirmation Location Cost Notes Actions
Hostel Country House Air BnB Göreme $190.00 5 Nights, incl breakfast

Trip Log

Notes Actions
Last night, Brent from down the street told us that they launch all the balloons at dawn each morning. Dawn being approximately 5:30AM. So, Brent and I got up this morning at approximately 5:30AM and watched. It was amazing. There were well over 100 balloons. Certainly at least 120 of them. It was amazing to see them all inflate, get really up-close looks at some, and watch them troop, single-file, into Rose Red Valley outside of Goreme. What a way to start the day!
Brent and I find that, as long as we have time, doing a tour to get oriented in a place is often really helpful. We decided to do the Cappadocia "Green Tour" today to that end, and we'll probably do the "Red Tour" while we're here as well. It was a great deal... approx. $110CAD/ea for the whole tour, including lunch and admission to all the points of interest. Wow!
