Club Events 2007 : 2007-10-12 : TOC - welcome social- meet, greet, play some pool

Type Name Service Provider Origin Destination Cost Notes Actions
Flight YYC to YVR and Return WestJet Calgary Toronto $0.00 - Arrive Toronto on Oct 11th at 10:41PM, Flight 156
- Depart Toronto on Oct 14th at 8:40PM, Flight 661
Type Name Service Provider Confirmation Location Cost Notes Actions
Couch Surf Stay with Mel Tan $0.00

Trip Log

Notes Actions
From COC:

Unlike my frenzied 24-hour-trip to Toronto last fall for our first “Runs With Scissors” RPS (cheers, Jason, El Rey Del Fuego – you’re the best) this year I decided to make a long weekend out of it, and it worked out great for Joel to join the fun, and Sam and Jason who were in town visiting family even came in for the RPS tournament!

I flew in on Thursday night while Joel was still out visiting his relatives, so I tried to talk some of my TOC friends into playing hookey for the afternoon and hanging out with me, but alas, there were no takers. On my way downtown to get into some trouble, I was riding the TTC subway. We stopped at this one station where all of a sudden we heard a bunch of yelling for help (a man’s voice). Everyone started looking around and a few people got up and got off the train (which was stopped for the duration) to see what was going on. I stayed where I was until I heard him yell “I can’t breathe” and I thought someone was in medical distress. Armed with my rusty first-aid course, I thought I might be able to help. There was a small group gathering around and I could see a man – some grey hair – on the ground and more yelling that he couldn’t breathe. I thought he was having a heart attack or something until I got closer and saw that the older guy wasn’t the one yelling – it was the scummy looking younger guy who the older guy had in a headlock who was doing all the yelling. Long story short, what I pieced together is that the younger guy tried to mug the older guy and didn’t count on him being strong enough to restrain him (in the headlock) until the authorities arrived. Heh heh. The younger guy was yelling for help and squirming to get away – trying to get the sympathies of the crowd by claiming the old guy attacked HIM. He managed to do a whole lot of yelling for someone who “couldn’t breathe”.

But anyway, I digress. I had no takers to hang out on Friday, so, I took Mel’s advice and went down to the Kensington Market, which is basically a really cool little neighborhood full of funky shops. I had a GREAT time looking around – Toronto really has some neat places to poke around in – and enjoyed the best Mexican food I’ve ever had at “El Trompo Restaurant”. If it had some mountains… um… some really GOOD mountains… nearby, Toronto would be a perfect city. Then, Joel made it into town so we took a stroll down Queen St. and had a really good Vietnamese dinner before going to Chalker’s for the “Welcome Party”.

Being the guests of honor, we made sure to arrive at the Welcome Party on time (ok, 15 minutes late) where we enjoyed a star-studded social of old and new friends at their “clubhouse”, Chalkers.

On Saturday, we went on a really nice little hike to Silver Creek and Scotsdale Farm which was a nice D2 hike to get us outside without pooching us before the big RPS tournament in the evening.

On the way down to RPS on Saturday evening, Joel and I wandered over to “Wally’s Restaurant” on Dundas near Mel’s apartment and had the most enormous plates of Schnitzel we’d ever seen. I ordered the “Small Schnitzel” and ended up with a great big oval plate of schnitzel, sour kraut and spaetzel. Seriously – Joel and I could have shared this meal and had leftovers, but he’d ordered the FULL SIZE Cordon Bleu schnitzel. Yikes.

On to the real reason for my visit… my second-annual trip to the World “Rock Paper Scissors” Championships with my “team”, “Runs With Scissors”. This event is an absolute riot – a nerd-fest to end all nerd-fests - perhaps even topping a Star Trek Convention (although I admit I’ve never been to one of those). My inner nerd fully expressed herself, competing enthusiastically, knocking out Scott, the boy-scout from New Jersey, and then being knocked out herself by a Toronto journalism student, and then stepping in to the necessary role of pimping out our Street RPS champion, Jenn, to try to win the unofficial prize for the night. Although Jenn did well, we did not take the Street RPS prize, but I enjoyed watching the enthusiastic warm-up routine of the young guys from New Jersey, Jenn and I got to grab Captain Morgan’s butt, and Joel and I both soundly thrashed the Crazy Bunny Man (Joel in competition and me in Street RPS). We got our picture taken with “Team Rock” (with our “Runs With Scissors” t-shirts on) and were impressed with the “Rocked Your Mom” team’s t-shirts as well. We bought Jenn’s way back into the competition when extra spots were opened up, but she got knocked out again and went back to where her true talent lies – as a Street RPS shark. See the TOC Write-Up and Photos.

On Sunday, we knew we wanted to do something, but we didn’t want to have to get up too early, or be out too long since Joel and I had flights back to catch. So, Cynthia found the perfect solution – an event to Casa Loma. Lots of TOCers came out to join us and we enjoyed learning about this quirky place (”the former estate of Sir Henry Mill Pellatt, a prominent Toronto financier, industrialist and military man. An unabashed romantic, Sir Henry engated the noted architect E.J. Lennox to help him realize a life-long dream – the creation of a ‘medieval’ castle on the brow of a hill overlooking Toronto.”).

A huge thanks to all who contributed to making this trip a fantastic wonderful time, and thanks to Mel for letting Joel and I crash at her place.

Be sure to visit the links on this page for the photos from the actual TOC events – I’ve only posted the Kensington Market ones here.

-- Rhonda
Event Coordinator(s): Stephanie A
Participants: Stephanie A, JennP, Cindy B, Ihsan, Erik S, Jose Z, Rhonda from Calgary, Joel, David B, Julian L, Elliott, Pierre, Jason M, Justin H, Chris T, bearman, Mel Tan, Perkin, J-L
