Germany 2022 : 2022-08-23 : Day in Marburg

Type Name Service Provider Confirmation Location Cost Notes Actions
Camp Campingplatz Lahnaue Marburg Marburg $64.00 Not reserved/confirmed
Check-in: ??. Check-out: ??
Cost is for two nights

Trip Log

Notes Actions
The original plan for today was to take a side trip to Alsfeld but we decided that we’d rather see Marburg thoroughly rather than both places in a rushed way.

We started with a walk up to Kaiser Wilhelm Turm because we’d prefer to do a big climb before it gets too warm. On the way back we stopped at Spiegelslust and enjoyed first coffee at around noon. We then walked back to town and checked out the old town, walked up to the Schloss, and then more old town. I started getting some heat symptoms, so we slowed down for a while, put my cooling cloth on my head and had a beer back at Ufer Cafe
