Club Events 2008 : 2008-04-12 : COC - Charity Garage Sale, and CCC - Group Karaoke!

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COC - Mustard Seed MEGA HUGE Charity Garage Sale

This is grassroots volunteerism at its best.

When I first noticed this event on the COC calendar, I thought isn't that nice… Jim is helping at a Mustard Seed garage sale and is recruiting COC members to help out as well. After getting involved, though, I realized this isn't really a Mustard Seed thing at all - although all of the proceeds go to them – it is purely a Jim thing, driven by his tireless energy and personal vendetta against waste.

Approximately twice a year since 2000, Jim hosts a "mega huge" garage sale, collecting merchandise from various sources, including donations from friends, neighbors, other garage sales and, because of google, internet strangers. Month end moving days for Sunnyside apartment blocks are also a prime source. His first garage sales were smaller, and powered mainly by Jim, family, true blue old friends Dorothy, Madeline, O.J. and Melanie. In 2000, they raised $250 which was donated to the Mustard Seed Street Ministry ( and over the years the sales have grown in size to where they now bring in over $6000/year and are powered by dozens of recruited volunteers who haul out the loot, put it on display, and make the sales. Items are not priced individually, rather, customers are encouraged to decide for themselves how much to donate for their new treasures, and assisted in determining a price by the volunteers if asked.

On the Thursday and Friday before the sale, Jim and some of his recruits begin getting things ready, including gathering the merchandise into Jim's garage from where it's been stashed in his basement, neighbor garages and neighbor basements, and putting up tarp awnings. At around 7AM on Saturday, the fun really begins as Jim ramps up and races around a million miles an hour hauling larger items out for display. Neighbor, Marilyn, steps in to help as foreman, directing other volunteers in where to get and place merchandise, and the rest of us peons try to make ourselves useful (and stay out of the way). On this particular Saturday, volunteers were rewarded with a very tasty lunch of egg salad sandwiches (honestly, the best sandwiches I've ever tasted) from Marilyn and stroganoff from Jim.

After the two day sale ends, any items which are left over are donated to a couple of different charities including Women In Need.

Upon reviewing my write-up, Jim would like to add the following to the “superstar” list:
- The weatherman who gave us a spectacularly beautiful weekend
- Jill and Brent who stopped by with yummy muffin treats
- Me (for helping set up on Friday and coming early on Saturday to help again, I guess)
- Roy for his garage sale talent and poker face dealing with the public
- Pat Kearns for donating Tim Horton’s coffee
- Kathy for hanging in ‘til 6PM with Jim and Marilyn
- All the people who said “I didn’t see anything for me” and then slipped Jim a $20 for the Mustard Seed anyway
- All his other recruits and helpers who may not have been mentioned individually

-- Rhonda
CCC - Group Karaoke! (Music Appreciation Night)

You know those bands...the ones you just can't help but sing-a-long with or hum or lip sync or what the heck, even make up your own words occassionaly!
If there's a little ditty you sing in the shower every morning, or maybe you've been to another music event with the club and were just dying to belt out a tune (Joel???) then this event is for you!

Group participation is welcome but you're welcome to just listen and laugh if you prefer. You might not even know the lyrics but then again, they'll be posted on the wall so unless you can't read...
By the way, if you're not lucky enough to get a seat on the couch or a chair then you're sitting on the HARDWOOD floor so bring something comfy if you can -- there's room to plop down a couple of bean bag chairs if you have them.
Arrive at 7:30 PM for introductions and to get settled in. We'll start the music selections at 8 PM (sorry, but to avoid interruption if you are later than 8 PM you will not be allowed in). We will have 1 CD of approximately 80 minutes of music (8 people times 8-10 minutes of music). We will take a few minutes for everyone to introduce their music selections.

Most of my house is not carpeted and may feel cool at times. You may want to bring slippers, a sweater or anything else that will keep you cozy. Bring a pillow or cushion if you like for maximum comfiness.

Everyone must contribute 8-10 minutes of music for the evening. If the evening has a “theme” (listed in the title), you should (but don’t have to) bring music that fits your interpretation of the theme. Many of our themes are DELIBERATELY ambiguous for maximum creativity!
