Club Events 2007 : 2007-10-26 : COC - Half Nihahi, and Douglas Fir Trail

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Half Nihahi - Slow Pace

A lovely day - and not very much snow or ice on the trail at all. We made it all the way past the cable hand-rail where we had lunch before turning back. Thanks to Bob and Marlene for joining us the day before their 45th wedding anniversary. I think Marlene had a "first hike ever" experience that she'll never forget and we wish Bob the best of luck when he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro in January.

-- Rhonda
Full Moon Hike - Douglas Fir Trail

This event was unlike anything I've ever done before. ;) Sometimes that's what it's all about - and is one of many great opportunities with the COC - finding others who share similarly unusual passions. We were honored to have in our company a representative of the global organization: "Why Yes, I Do Frequently Burst Out in Song." It was a great group - and interesting outing - thanks everyone!
