Club Events 2007 : 2007-07-06 : COC - Picklejar Lakes - Slow but Steady Pace

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We came out today in search of fresh air, and I do believe we found it. It was a beautiful sunny day, very warm at times, but the fresh air offered much reprieve, expressing itself gently at times, loudly and vigorously at others. While we were lunching at the first Picklejar lake, the fresh air got so excited that it scooped up a mist of Picklejar Lake Water to sprinkle us with and as we traveled on to further Picklejar lakes it playfully tried to knock us over on the scree.

Due to our happy chatter we were sadly (ok, maybe not sadly) unable to find the "Bear in Area" that we were promised by the sign at the trailhead.

Thanks to a great group for joining us on this terrific day.

-- Rhonda
