Club Events 2007 : 2007-03-04 : COC - Peter Lougheed: Intermediate Ski, Slow/Moderate Pace

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Today was my first experience with "challenging" snow conditions, and I must admit, it's also my first time skiing that I didn't thoroughly enjoy it. The snow was fast in the shade (and sometimes icy), and then when you'd hit a sunny patch, the snow was melty... on the verge of slush, and very slow. Now, this could just be an annoyance, however, there were several places where you'd go from shade to sun partway down a hill, so you'd be flying down a hill and when you'd hit the sun, your skis would stop but your body would keep going. I took a really hard spill one time because of that, injuring my ribs when I landed across one of my poles. Also, the wax on my skis kept accomulating patches of solid ice, so sometimes it wasn't even the sunny/slushy parts that were stopping me cold, it was my own skis. Anyway, very very challenging. Next time I go out in these kind of conditions, I'm going to try renting waxless skis and see if that helps. Never say die!!

Other than that, it was a fantastic day. Beautiful weather, a really fun group, and the usual apres-event trip to Kilkenny where we ran into Gloria's Heart Creek group. Thanks to all who came out for making it a very fun day, in spite of all the challenges with the snow!

-- Rhonda
