Club Events 2019/2020

2020-11-10 : COC - Executive Committee Meeting - Finish Team Transition

2020-11-25 : COC - Town Hall - Membership Structure and Fees


The changes we want to make and why: df


We had an online survey (on the COC’s web site), that asked:

In 2011, when the COC became a non-profit, the "Premier" membership type was created. One of the main benefits of being a "Premier" member is the right to vote on amendments to the COC bylaws (without having to become a club volunteer).

Premier Membership costs $25/year. Its introduction created a "tiered" membership structure which was not well received among members.

We (Rhonda, Duane, and some other folks) feel that the ability for club members to vote without having to be a volunteer is very important, however, we disagree vigorously with it being tied to money. We think it would make more sense, and better serve the club and ALL of its members, if voting rights were tied, instead, to active attendance with the club.

We propose to:

  1. Eliminate "Premier" Membership - all members would be "Regular" club Members
  2. Provide voting rights to members who are "Active" members, with a proposed definition of "Active" being:
    1. Has attended 3+ events in the past six months; OR
    2. Has attended 6+ events in the past year; OR
    3. Has attended 20+ events in the past three years; OR
    4. Has attended 50+ events overall.

Before we take this to an official vote (i.e., under the current structure - volunteers and Premier Members only), we would like to get a sense for whether this is supported within the larger COC Membership. Would you support the proposed change to:

  1. Eliminate "Premier" Membership - all members would be "Regular" club Members; AND
  2. Provide voting rights to "Active" members (per the definition above?

NOTE that this is not an official vote for change to the COC bylaws. This is a survey for input gathering purposes only. We will be collecting input until end of day on November 30th. After that we'll decide whether to proceed to the next step of meeting to vote on amending the bylaws.


Survey Results:

Membership Type

Total Members



Total Responses

Percent Response



























Rhonda wants to explore what motivates people to pay for a Premier Membership. Some speculation:

  • They appreciate and want to support the club
  • They like the "head start" of getting event notifications sooner
  • They like the other "perks" associated with having a Premier Membership
  • Voting rights doesn't seem to be a motivator

Keith asked what the total number of current active members is. Duane advised that using the current definition, having attended 3+ events in the last 6 months, the number is 94.

Rhonda asked the premier members in attendance what motivated them to pay for a premier membership

  • Keith - likes 4-hour early notification, finds it to be a big benefit.
  • Jordi - she was always forgetting to bring Toonies to events. It was just easier.
  • Elda - hated having to bring the dreaded Toonie to events.
  • Written notice from volunteer - likes the way things are done now similar to the Elbow Valley Cycle Club and Norseman Club. Rhonda suggested that if we want to be different from other clubs, perhaps we should also operate differently.
  • Sibel - became a premier member to vote but does not mind it becoming a donation. She has tried numerous other clubs but found them to be very cliquey and difficult to try different events.
  • Daryl - could you not just define active members as premier members to allow everyone to vote. Rhonda said no as the bylaws currently state that paying $25 currently defines a premier member. We will have to change the bylaws.
  • Grant - likes the advance notice on events.
  • Frank - proposed to pay per event or annually to the coordinator as opposed to the Treasurer. Rhonda advised that not all coordinators are going to be comfortable receiving and forwarding monies. If it is agreed to in advance that should not be a problem.
  • Shelly - was not able to log in to the first part of the meeting and requested minutes or notes.
  • Grant - often forgot Toonie or did not have the correct change. This was just easier.

Rhonda asked everyone how they felt about the 4 criteria for active members.

  • Duane - loves it, it catches everyone.
  • Grant - does not see the relevance of someone who hasn’t attended an event in 7 years but has 50+ events with the club. He would not consider them to be active in the club. He suggested reducing the categories to a couple.
  • Frank - after 7 years would no longer consider someone active.
  • Duane - individuals may have left because they were not happy with the club, but they are still interested. We want to hear from as many people as possible,
  • Jim - believes in "Senator for Life". An honour we bestow on someone who has put that much into the club.

Rhonda proposed that maybe we should tie voting rights to active membership and that active membership be defined by the executive committee. We would then have the flexibility to change over time.

  • Keith - too much shifting. We could have a COC Trump moment. He believes that Bylaws have merit. He is also open to Rhonda’s proposed definitions.
  • Frank - wholeheartedly agreed with Keith.
  • Duane - believes that everyone having a vote is the most important thing.
  • Jim - what constitutes a quorum? Rhonda advised that 15 people constitutes a quorum for AGM or Special Meetings and that to amend bylaws we require a vote of at least 75%.
  • Keith - we may not need to meet in person. We could interpret Zoom meetings to be the same as an in-person meetings because we can see and hear everyone. Rhonda advised that she checked into it and until we receive the amended bylaws back in the mail, we must meet in person.
  • Daryl - there had been an exemption to allow for Zoom meetings at the beginning of COVID but that exemption ended prior to our AGM so it had to be held in person.
  • Rhonda - Bylaws should be back by mid-December. Special Meeting could be at the end of January. To sneak it in under a COVID exemption would be good too.
  • Grant - suggested that we just do not use premier membership and allow everyone to vote. Voting rights would be extended to regular members, premier members, and volunteers. Rhonda says that is exactly what she is hoping to do.


Meeting was ended. Rhonda asked anyone who has thoughts to share or knows of anyone who has more thoughts to share to send her an email.

2020-11-30 : COC - Intro to Self-Supported Cycle Touring (Rhonda-Style)

2020-12-03 : COC - Newsletter Brainstorming Session

2020-12-09 : COC - Executive Committee Meeting - Budget, Funding, Guest Waivers, Forum

2020-12-20 : COC - Pandemic Movie Matinee: Holiday in the Wild

2020-12-21 : COC - Cycle Touring: Trip Selection and Research

2020-12-30 : COC - Coordinating for COC: COVID Considerations

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