Club Events 2005

2005-12-22 : COC - King Kong at Crowfoot (late aft)

2005-12-23 : COC - Benchlands Loop at Canmore
What a fantastic winter hike! Probably not one that I would do in summer, because there's better, more scenic, stuff to do, but for winter conditions, this was perfect! There was a bit of snow on the trail, a bit of blue sky, some views, some good company, and a much easier-to-follow trail system than anticipated. The trails were named, and way better signed than the book implied, so it was pretty easy to find our way around the loop.

The obligatory trip to Kilkenny after for a few of us to finish off a perfect day.

-- Rhonda

2005-12-27 : COC - Chester Lake - Slower Group
There ended up being no such thing as a faster group and a slower group today. Instead we had the "Rock People" and the "Spike People". Joel's group was still at the trailhead when we got there today, so we decided to join forces. It didn't last long, though, as we split, nearly down the middle into "want to do the snow shoe trail" and "want to do the ski trail". So, my group headed up the ski trail, which was much easier. Most of us had ice cleats on, although Brian (my group) and Kathy (Joel's group) wore snow shoes. We reached the lake shortly after those who did the snow shoe trail, and shortly thereafter, most of the snow shoers took off and went up to the Elephant Rocks ("Rock People"). The rest of us enjoyed our lunch, and then all of us, except Kathy, returned, on our ice cleats ("Spike People"), the way we'd come. Joel, Ian and Kathy waited for the return of the "Rock People" and then headed down the snow shoe trail (which, incidentally, was in way better condition today than we'd anticipated).

Chester Lake is BEEEEEEE-Yutiful. Today definitely made me feel better about our yukky trip about 2-3 weeks ago.

The "Slow Group" was neary done dinner at Kilkenny before the first of the "Fast Group" arrived. Thanks to "Wayne" and "Chris" we were able to enjoy some free wings and beer, and life (and the COC trip) was complete.

-- Rhonda

2005-12-29 : COC - Petra: Lost City of Stone (Glenbow Museum)
We all had a great and interesting time at the Glenbow. There were lots of interesting displays, slideshows and movies. If you go watch the slide show and movie(documentary) first and you will understand more.

2005-12-30 : COC - Hummingbird Plume Lookout
This was an absolutely beautiful day for a winter hike. The temperatures were mild, but the sky was clear and blue - very unusual. We made the trek up the icy trail (boy, were we glad we had our ice cleats) to the lookout station and reveled in the views up there. While we enjoyed our lunch, and the views, absolutely no one engaged in any food exchange with any whiskeyjacks... not even Cheryl's head. Honest. Back down the trail, most of the group made the short detour over to Troll Falls for some fantastic photo ops, while those of us with hamburger heels enjoyed a cuppa hot chocolate and maybe some seasoning salted fries in the Chalet.

On to Kilkenny... I haven't been in the habit of going to Kilkenny after a hike for a long time, but this is getting to be a regular thing for me lately. It's all Ken's fault.

-- Rhonda

2005-12-31 : COC - Matinee, and Ice Skating
Art House Matinee: Brokeback Mountain at the Globe
Ice Skating - Bowness Lagoon

We had awesome weather for a New Year's Eve outdoor skate, and the ice was in excellent condition - surprising considering all the warm weather we've been having. It was wonderful to see such a great turnout - my only concern was the difficulty in finding our group amongst many others. Thanks to everyone who came out tonight. Happy New Year!

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