Club Events 2005 : 2005-12-16 : COC - Prairie View Trail

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Trip Log

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A fine winter hike on a perfect winter day. The temps were nice (about mmmmmm... maybe -10C), and although it was overcast the whole time, we were joined by big fluffy lazy snow flakes falling all day. My only complaint is that I started off the day wearing the "evil socks" that Bridget and I bought...

The Evil Socks Story (please ignore if you couldn't care less about my personal foot comfort)
The "evil socks" are special liner socks with each toe separate which is supposed to stop you from getting blisters on the sides of your toes, which I sometimes do. Bridget and I ordered them from the 'net, and I was the first to try them out today. When I put them on, they were quite irritating around my toes... kinda tight and the seams dug into me, and I thought at best they'd irritate me, and at worst I might get blisters on my toes from where the seams were. After standing around outside at carpool my toes got really cold from being separated and they never warmed back up, even with the long, warm car-ride out to the trailhead. We set out and did about maybe one km, which was fairly flat. As soon as we started gaining elevation, though, the evil socks and my new hiking boots teamed up together and started chewing up my heels, so I had to stop and put band-aids on my heels (no simple matter when you consider I had ice cleats, gaiters, hiking boots, and two pairs of socks on that had to come off before I could administer said band-aids in -13C weather). Once the evil socks came off, they did NOT go back on... they went in my pack. So, I think I won't try using them in winter again. I only get the blisters on my toes on longer hikes, though, which I only do in summer. The plan is that I will tape up my heels, and then try the socks again when the weather warms up.

-- Rhonda
