Club Events 2005 : 2005-08-26 : COC - Rockbound Lake

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There is a reason my mother calls me "Grace"... and today I demonstrated that reason to four hikers when, shortly after beginning our descent, I did a fancy, multi-step stumble forward, hoped in vain that I would right myself before completing the tumble, and before coming to a final stop in a prone position, watched my pinkie finger on my left hand bend all the way backwards to touch the back of my hand. Back at the trailhead I showed it to everyone (it was back in a near normal position) but only three were brave enough to touch the inverted knuckle. Bunch o' wusses. As I write this, it is 6.5 hours later, and I am still waiting for the pain to kick in. The doc says not to worry... it will be here by morning. At least I didn't have to deal with the torture of sitting in emergency for hours and hours; Marg took me to a walk-in clinic, and they had me X-Rayed and patched up and home in less than an hour!

So, I guess maybe you want to hear about the actual HIKE, too. Well, it was fantastic. Definitely a keeper. It's a long slog in on a forested trail, gaining 700m of elevation over 8km. A nice gentle grade. Near the end, the boring trail opens up and you are rewarded with great views of the side of Castle Mountain, beautiful Tower Lake, and Rockbound Lake, which wouldn't really be that great except for the spectacular black cliffs providing the backdrop. Anyway, it was great. If you want to know more, ask me in person, because my finger hurts and I'm going to stop typing now.

Many thanks to those who helped take care of me today.

-- Rhonda
