Club Events 2005 : 2005-08-14 : COC - Skating to Chestermere for Picnic

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What a great day! Oh, deja vu... that's what Doug C said about the biking event. This is the second time we've attempted this combined biking/skating event, and interestingly enough, where last year the bikers were sitting around for an hour waiting for the skaters, this year it was the other way around. Next time, both groups start at the same time (no need to handicap the bikers as long as we have strong skaters).

I started off the day in a very relaxed way, and was on my way to the event WAY early, which is good because when I was ALMOST THERE I realized I had left my skates behind at home! D'oh!! The really funny thing about that is that last year when we did this same event, I forgot my skates in my car which was left at Chestermere for carpooling and Cam had to drive me all the way back to get the skates. It was a LONG time before he let me live that one down.

Anyway, today was excellent. We had 10 skaters to start with and Ian showed up later (with his "tail"). Lada, who has skated no more than 5km before in her life opted to skate the whole round trip (as did several others) and skated 45kms!!! Way to go Lada!! Mike (aka "Nibbly") demonstrated "The Chad", which is a very cool skating technique.

Rumor has it that Doug C promised his bikers a coffee to anyone who knocked a skater down when they met up with us, or if it was ME who was knocked down, the prize would be a beer. The only one brave enough to make an attempt was Mike W. However, he told me what he was doing as he was doing it so I escaped by promising him TWO beers if he would refrain from knocking me down.

We were only about 5km from Chestermere when the bikers finally crossed our paths, so we knew we'd be waiting at the picnic area for them for a while before they got there. My lunch was stashed in Doug C's car, so I got to sit and watch everyone eat their lunch (Doug B tossed me an apple to tide me over) while waiting for the bikers. About half the skaters got tired of waiting and decided, instead, to skate the 25km BACK to Glenmore. They figured they'd be back before us (by the time we waited for the bikers and then they had their picnic lunch). Boy, were they wrong... we had been sitting in the Glenmore Inn lounge enjoying a cold one FOR AN HOUR before they made it back in (although they were, rightfully, very proud of themselves).

-- Rhonda
