Club Events 2004 : 2004-12-11 : COC - Hogarth Lakes

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Trip Log

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We got off to a slow start today, with high winds at carpool, treacherous road conditions out to K-Country, and a diversion to a new location. The Smith-Dorrien was snowy, slick and getting worse by the minute, so we rallied up the crew and went instead to do the Lower-K-Lake trail (per advice from the info centre, care of Debbie and Barry).

The further the day went on, the more beautiful it became, and I enjoyed every sublime minute of it with my new eyebulbs - I had lasik on Wednesday and this was my first winter event without foggy glasses - yay!!! It really was a spectacularly beautiful day.

I couldn't go to the Kilkenny because of my eye surgery, and couldn't go to Shelley and Samantha's wine and cheese because of my allergies, so we finished off the day with a "pre-wine-and-cheese" at my apartment that wound down somewhere around 12:30 (note to self: there is a good reason why you don't drink!!! Although, it wasn't *me* in the belly dance costume. As usual, there is no evidence of Rob wearing my belly dance costume... save our memories, and the discarded costume on my floor).

-- Rhonda
