Club Events 2004 : 2004-10-07 : COC - Officers' Meeting

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Trip Log

Notes Actions
Who makes decisions for the club?
- For small daily operations decisions, the president will continue making decisions, with or without consultation with volunteer team members at her discretion.
- For larger, especially policy-related decisions, all members of the volunteer team are all invited to participate in decision making. Members may participate in whichever discussions they choose to participate in. The president facilitates the process and articulates the final decisions.

What is the decision-making process (for larger decisions)?
- The team will utilize an online forum, accessible via the web site. Topics will be introduced there by any member of the volunteer team. Everyone will participate in topics as they choose. The facilitator/president will facilitate the discussion and articulate the decisions, as well as send an e-mail as required to all volunteers when a final decision is being made on a critical issue notifying them and inviting them to participate.
- In the case where forum discussion is insufficient and further discussion is required, a sub-committee may be formed, and/or a meeting may be held to discuss that topic. The results of the sub-committee discussion and/or meeting will be compiled into a proposal which will go to the entire volunteer team (via the forum) for approval.

Note that the decision-making processes will be up for review regularly as the club continues to grow and evolve. Our next scheduled “check-in point” is April 2005, although we may choose to revisit sooner if required.

Voluntary donations
- The voluntary donations and corporate sponsorship income streams have proven to be very successful. Enough so that we are going to reduce our ‘suggested donations’ for trips as follows: suggested for in-town events: $0, suggested for out-of-town events: $2. This change will go into effect immediately.
- At the start of the year, an e-mail will go out to the club membership that the voluntary donations are ‘reset’ for a new calendar year. We will continue to encourage people to donate no more than a maximum of $20/year, which is, as always, voluntary, and which they can pay on a trip-by-trip basis (according to suggested amounts), or they can pay in a one-time amount.

Safety policy
- The new safety policy is still incomplete and must be revisited and tweaked to arrive at something that is appropriate for the club and that all volunteers are satisfied with.
- This topic has been off-lined to a sub-committee headed by Rob, with participants being Bassam, Mike, Joel and Philip.

How to spend the club’s $
- We will keep one year of operating cash in ‘surplus’ as long as it is available. One year’s worth of operating cash required at this time is approximately $1500.
- Surplus above one year’s worth of operating expense coverage (if we ever happen to achieve that) will be decided on by the volunteer team, with the following mandates in mind: spend responsibly, and with consideration to the club body who are the ones who have donated the money; spend surplus on things that can develop the club in some way (not frivolously, or on ‘causes’).

Attendee and Waiting List Policy
- All club event sign-ups, and waiting lists, are first-come first-served. There is no line-jumping permitted except in the following exceptional cases:
  1. The person is not physically able to complete the event, or is putting themselves at risk by attempting the event.
  2. The person arrives without the required equipment to complete the event (ie. a helmet for a biking event).
  3. The person has two or more no-shows logged on their account (see cancellation policy for more information).
  4. The person has been notified that they are not welcome on this coordinator’s events. Notification must be made in writing via e-mail, and must be copied to the president for records. Coordinator must have good grounds for this decision, and must explain their reasons for the decision.
Member Network/Privacy Issues
All members currently have the option of participating in the member network (sharing their contact information with other members) or not. To address some privacy issue concerns from members who want to participate in the member network but not necessarily share their phone numbers or e-mail addresses, we'll be making some changes to the web site which will allow members to:
- Participate in the member network, but hide their phone number and/or e-mail address
- If the e-mail address is hidden, a 'contact me' form will replace it which will allow another member to contact them via e-mail but which will not divulge their actual e-mail address.
