Club Events 2004 : 2004-07-21 : COC - Officers' Meeting

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Trip Log

Notes Actions
Missing: Jerry, Claudia, Dave, Jennifer, Bridget

Cancellation Policy:
We have had our new cancellation policy in place for two weeks now. It is going well, and has dramatically reduced the number of no-shows we’re getting on events. As a group, we agree that our ‘discretionary’ guidelines regarding recording/reversing no shows should include the following:
- We will not reverse a first no-show without a good reason, since there are really no ‘consequences’ to a first no-show.
- In cases where a no-show does not inconvenience anyone (ie. for a casual/social event), we will encourage coordinators not to record no-shows.

Code of Conduct
- We have a code of conduct, which is implicit and generic. We will continue to deal with situations on a one-off basis rather than try to define an explicit code of conduct.
- We will compile a list of ‘trail etiquette’ items which will be posted on the web site similar to our checklists. Mark, Philip and Joe will send ideas to Rhonda for inclusion.

COC Swap Meet
- There are lots of good swap meets already existing in Calgary; the COC does not need to try to have one of our own. Instead, we will keep an eye out for swap meets put on by other organizations, and post them on the COC calendar (as ‘member postings’, not official events).

Election for new President
- We will have yearly elections for all positions at our fall General Meetings (see below for more information).

Event Coordinator Policies and Procedures
- We will continue recruiting event coordinators from the club populace per the current process (ie. Rhonda begging people to organize events). No change required.

First Aid Education
- Joe has some contacts who provide First Aid training. He will try to arrange some group training (hopefully with a discount) which will be made available to all club members. He will also arrange for someone to come to the next officers’ meeting to discuss first aid legalities and such.
- A note has been added to the Rules and Waiver page of the web site encouraging all event attendees to carry a first aid kit and have first aid training.

Outdoor/Wilderness Training
- Through his company, ICanada Adventure Training, Joe is going to offer some Outdoor and Wilderness courses available to all club members. These courses will be defined and posted soon.

Event Coordinator Training
- Rhonda promises that with Claudia’s help, the back-end of the web site will be made easier to use over the next couple months, thereby making coordinator training on web site usage redundant.

Officer roles, Responsibilities, Titles
- Steve has relinquished the role of ‘assistant legal coordinator’, however he is still willing to house our waivers for us in a safe location.
- Gen may be interested in doing some more work for the club, possibly in advertising/promotion.

- We are currently recording that a waiver has been received by the event coordinators, but we are not recording that the waiver makes it into the filing system. We will add that into the process, and the web site will be updated so that we double-record waivers, indicating first that they’re received by the event coordinator, and then second that they physically make it into the file. Additionally, we will update the web site so that a ‘waiver received by coordinator’ can be ‘cleared’ by Steve in the event that the waiver does not physically make it into the file.
- All event coordinators are cautioned to please be especially careful with waivers collected and to deliver them to Steve (or Rhonda) at their earliest convenience.

General Meetings
- We will start having general meetings two times a year, in October and May.
- Meetings will include information relevant to activities for the upcoming season, for example, trail etiquette, bear safety, equipment/safety requirements for hiking (summer), snowshoeing (winter), etc.
- October meetings will include elections for all officer positions
- Rhonda will research a venue for the general meetings. If we are able to use Cardel Theatre for the meetings, they will also include a movie to follow the meeting which will be ‘relevant but entertaining’ (ie. “Touching the Void”).

Bulletin Board vs Forum
- We recently sent out a survey regarding usage/relevance of the bulletin board and the forum. We will wait to get the results of the survey, although the initial feeling is that people want the bulletin board but may not want the forum. If that is the case, we will try re-assigning the forum to be an officer forum. If we are able to make use of it that way, we’ll keep it; otherwise, if it still doesn’t get used, we will get rid of it.

Bulletin Board vs Classified Ads
- Our bulletin board has been getting filled up lately with lots of “Classified Ads”. We will set up a separate area for classifieds, and reserve the bulletin board for “activity partner” and other outdoor-related postings.
- Classified Ads will live for up to a month.

- Constitution: The question was raised whether the COC needs a constitution and such. The group agreed to keep it casual and if we need to use Roberts rules we will, but we don't want to make the club too bureaucratic.
- Web Site: Want to be able to select events by type (ie. hiking, mountain biking) and difficulty. This will take a bit of time because it will require adding event ‘type’ as a field in the database.
- Difficulty: For hikes, it would help people to gauge the subjective difficulty of the event if the distance and elevation gain were included in the itinerary of the event. Coordinators are asked to include this information when applicable.
