Club Events 2004 : 2004-07-16 : COC - Dinner - All You Can Eat Sushi

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It was a hot evening...a perfect night to not cook and go out for raw fish and rice. Which 15 of us did. It was a hot restaurant...which wasn't so perfect, but we still didn't have to cook and got to go out and eat raw fish and rice! Unfortunately, the BBQ's didn't get fired up because of said heat, but we managed to gorge ourselves any way. We filled two tables which meant there wasn't alot of conversation going on between the two groups, but as far as this writer is concerned, the other table was probably better off. We were visited by a mountain biker that had broken his bike. The tears flowed freely upon hearing his sorry tale, but alas, he was unharmed, so all was not lost. We felt his pain, he felt our pain; it was a beautiful thing. At 8:00 the group disbanded to go on our separate, merry ways; none the wiser, but definitely, none were hungry!

