Club Events 2004 : 2004-07-06 : COC - West Elk Pass and Fox Lake

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Trip Log

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The Mosquito God smiled upon us today... um... no, wait a minute... she smiled upon the MOSQUITOES by bringing them nine fresh juicy humans to feast on today! The trail was nice and easy, with some elevation gain at the beginning, but mostly flat the whole day. The mosquitoes merrily ignored our Deet-doused bodies and nibbled at every available patch of exposed flesh. The feast continued all the way up the trail to the AB/BC border (a thrill for some of us to hike in TWO provinces in one day), and in to Fox Lake, where we took a brief respite from the Trail Mosquitoes to give the Lake Mosquitoes their fill.

While at Fox Lake, we were very fortunate to spot the very rare Alberta Mountain Seal swimming across the lake, her petite nose etching a perfect triangular trail in the pristine water. Allison insisted that, viewed from closer up, it was just a duck, but the rest of us know better.

Once we, and the Lake Mosquitoes, had finished our lunch, we returned down the trail the way we'd come to give the Trail Mosquitoes a second helping (from those of us who had any blood left to give).

Back at the cars, Carissa kindly decided to help us take our minds off of the pasty whiteness of our drained bodies and accidentally locked her car keys in her trunk. We rallied around promptly to rescue her... we used knives and keys to try to jimmy the trunk, the trunk popper, and the back-seat lock, to no avail, when someone (Cheryl?) noticed that the keys were visible inside the crack at the top of the trunk. Swiftly, she used the pocket knife to skootch one of the keys out slightly and grab hold of it. From there, with Cheryl on the pen knife, and Rhonda on the vice grips and wrench (to lift the trunk crack open slightly further), we expertly snagged the keys out far enough to detach the car key from the keychain, and Carissa's untimely misery was abated.

-- Rhonda

For anyone wondering why the Mosquito God is a "she", it's because, as we all know, it is only FEMALE mosquitoes that bite.
