Club Events 2009 : 2009-03-12 : CCC - Spontaneous MAN (Music Appreciation Night)

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M.A.N. = Music Appreciation Night.

Arrive at 6:00PM for introductions and to get settled in. We'll start the music selections at 6:30. We will have a round-robin in which everyone will introduce their music, and then we'll listen to the music, eat, drink and be merry.

My apartment is small, and the atmosphere casual. We'll be sitting or laying around the living room while we listen. Bring a pillow or cushion if you like for maximum comfiness. First person to arrive will have to help me fold up my futon so it is a "couch" instead of a "bed".

Everyone must contribute 6-10 minutes of music for the evening. If the evening has a “theme” (listed in the title), you should (but don’t have to) bring music that fits your interpretation of the theme. Many of our themes are DELIBERATELY ambiguous for maximum creativity!
