Club Events 2019/2020 : 2020-05-26 : COC - How should the club continue? - Coordinators meeting

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Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the input everybody. Amazingly some of you have already sent an email with your thoughts. We did focus on the relaunch initially and your thoughts on that on acceptable practices will be important to what we eventually adopt. My hope is that for members who might have reservations about joining our events over the coming weeks, that they see our guidelines and are reassured enough to consider participate. I don't think we really touched on this more than a couple times but there will be some folks who just don't feel comfortable participating in the immediate future. Staying home is not a bad thing but my hope is that we can create events where they may reconsider based on respectful and appropriate guidelines for events.

Also don't forget feedback on the annual fee structure and website payments. I got a very positive vibe about it from peoples commentary however for the benefit of our board members who were not on the call, it will be a positive reaction for them to see. The delay in starting the fee implementation to give a free event period is something I think will help encourage participation events but your feedback is welcome.

I certainly hope a focus on easy events will lead to more events, more members, and offset the harsh financial impacts we have been dealt this year. Your feedback as coordinators will be key in this respect.

Finally the video conferencing meeting seems to have been a success. Some hiccups but whether it's Zoom or some other platform, it seems worthy of future consideration. Comments on Zoom Vs others Vs free options are welcome.

I'm going to add this message as an event write up in case other volunteers who couldn't attend show interest.

Thanks everyone and I look forward to reading your emails. Grant P
