Club Events 2009 : 2009-05-09 : COC - Horsethief Canyon for Legendary Ed's 87th Birthday

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Nine of Ed's best friends, and three newbies set out to show him a good time for his birthday. Despite two location changes and sketchy weather forecasts, we had a fantastic day and great conditions, with a smidgen of rain at the end of the hike, and a bit more rain AFTER the hike. Woo hoo!

Shortly after we dropped into Horsethief Canyon, we ran into Safari Phil and his friend, Carrie, who were also out for a walk for the day. We decided that was a good time to break out the cake, wine, and Jorinda's amazing homemade birthday card for Ed. We think he enjoyed himself, but he's just so darned stoic it's hard to tell (that's sarcasm, by the way).

We hiked a whole 6km in our four hours in the canyon. Wow, what a record (not). But we explored lots, and Ralf claimed to find Nothing down one little side canyon but when the rest of us went to see for ourselves, we only found Something (and then Something Else). The mountain goat set climbed a big bump for a better look around, while the sane folk (ie. us chickens) stayed down below. Lots of fun and joking, and everyone remembered to Apt Natural for the camera.

We finished off the day with treats at the Last Chance Saloon in Wayne, and then a side-trip to the Suspension Bridge near Rosedale.

Thanks to everyone who came out to help celebrate Ed's birthday. I think we did a durned fine job of making him feel special.

-- Rhonda
