Club Events 2009 : 2009-03-21 : COC - Edworthy Park to Fish Creek and Back (slow pace)

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It started out a fantastic day, and I was fortunate to have both Jake and James on the event to take care of the Speedy Speedersons while Brent and I "swept". Yeah, that's why I ride in the back, it's just to "sweep".

We made great time to Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, and all made it there around the same time in spite of getting separated at some detours. You gotta like when a plan comes together. After Inglewood, though, we started running into fairly significant patches of snow on the path which made it really challenging going for most of us, and practically impossible for those with slicks. After about a kilometer of that, two people (with slicks) decided to turn back, and not too long after the rest of us did as well due to continuing worsening of the path conditions. We decided to high-tail it on back the way we came in hopes of catching back up with Jake and Susan which some of us (yes, the Speedy Speedersons) did.

The plan was to head back to Edworthy and then keep going west along into Beaumont Park, but once we hung around at Angel's for a while, enjoying some ice cream and hot dogs, the group disbanded and poor James was left to continue the event on his own. Our total trip (not James', though) was about 36km.

Thanks to everyone who came out - it was a fantastic early season ride.

-- Rhonda
